Italian Wine Trip 2018 - Part One - Friulli
FRIULLI - PT. 1 ——— LA SUBIDA In terms of global tourist destinations, VCE, or Venice, in non frequent flier talk, has to be one of the world’s most popular. Stories of summer crowds in Piazza San Marco are the stuff of legend. Our group, touching down at that famous airport code five months after Europe’s traditional summer crowds clog it’s flooded streets, wouldn’t set foot on a single Venitian watercraft. This trip, for all its proximity to famous touristy Italian spots, was far from your usual tour of Venice, Florence and Rome. Instead, we loaded 8 grown-ass, kid-having, medicine-taking, achy-back-having adults into a 9 person van and headed toward the Slovenian border in North Eastern Italy. Our first night was spent at La Subida, the restaurant and auberge that helped inspire Bobby and Lachlan’s vision for Frasca. La Subida has some incredible guest houses, which we took advantage of for our first night in Friulli, and I ...