Shots from Vecchio's
The second you walk in the door of Vecchio's you get the feeling that this is what a bike shop should be like. No slick concept store displays or gigantic Lance shrines. Only a handful of bikes on the floor (chances are, any bike you buy here hasn't been built yet), three perfectly laid out workbenches, and layer upon layer of cycling memorabilia and culture dripping from every surface. Jerseys, bikes, posters, and banners provide an endless source of entertainment. After years of visits and happy hour hangouts I'm still discovering new cool stuff in here.
Last night I took some shots with my new Christmas lens to share the feel of this awesome spot.
Jim's bench, complete with vintage Bianchi and perhaps my favorite poster, Andy Hampsten in the snow, signed by the man himself.

Vittoria Pave Tubulars, iconic tire of the spring classics.

Peter's bench, where he'll fix anything you need as long as its not called a mountain bike. If it is head to Jeem.
Plenty to ogle.
Fixters spend ridiculous amounts on stripped Pistas with no brakes, while Cx'sters spend it on shwanky tubulars to (have Vecchio's) glue on carpet fiber wheels.
Last night I took some shots with my new Christmas lens to share the feel of this awesome spot.
Jim's bench, complete with vintage Bianchi and perhaps my favorite poster, Andy Hampsten in the snow, signed by the man himself.

Vittoria Pave Tubulars, iconic tire of the spring classics.

Peter's bench, where he'll fix anything you need as long as its not called a mountain bike. If it is head to Jeem.
